Bontang, Desember 7th 2013 16:22
di kamar PC6 115D
Good evening sob? how are you today? today I will explain you about loading arm LNG inspection in dock #1 use DPT (Dye Penetrant Test). I am Pendekar and I am Student of LNG Academy second generation.
okay I will start...
what is outboard loading arm? outboard is part of loading arm that has function to connect with LNG Carrier at the time LNG is transferd.
In practice this time, we
will perform an inspection on the
outboard surface of the loading arm to determine the condition of the surface. The outboard loading arms inspections
performed in 7 process they are pre-clean
process, penetrant application, remove excess
penetrant, developer application, interpretation, and report post-cleaning.
first thing that must
be considered before the
inspection process is a pre-cleaning process. Because
it will affect the results. Pre-cleaning is one of the important
stages for the
purpose of pre-cleaning is ensuring Parts
must be free
of dirt, rust,
scale, oil, grease,
etc to perform a reliable inspection. The
cleaning process must
remove contaminants from the surfaces of
the parts and defects, and must not
plug any of the
defects. For
outboard inspection, pre-cleaning is done with sandblasting
then cleaned with a cleaner.
Sandblasting is a process of cleaning the surface with fire particles (sand) to
the surface of the material causing friction collision. The material surface
will be clean and rough. Sandblasting is done in the "workshop" and then outbourd be carried to “IKPT” for inspection.
The next process is clean the surface outboard with use
cleaner. Surface that cleaned is part of welding. Cleaner is applied to
the HAZ area 2 cm in side on welding.
Then penetrant
is applied on surface of outboard, focused on welding joint, due to a
potentially defective part. Penetrant can applied in 3 methods, they are : spraying,
brushing and immersing. For this case using "brushing or spraying"
because more efficient and simple. then wait a few minutes to penetrate on the
surface. Time that use penetrant to enter on the surface of outboard is called
"dwell time". There are some explanation about dwell time :
§ The
penetrant dwell time is the total time the penetrant is in contact with the
part surface.
§ Dwell
time is important as it gives the penetrant sufficient time to seep or be drawn
into the flaw / defect.
§ The
dwell time vary according to penetrant type, temperature, material type and
surface finish.
§ The
ideal dwell time is often determined by experimentation and very specific to a
particular application.
§ Reference
: penetrant manufacturer or applicable code / standards (ASME, ASTM etc.).
(dwell time)
After that, penetrant removal process. Devide 3 methods
they are :
Water Washable, Post Emulsifiable and Solvent Removal.
- Water Washable
- - Usually for small parts
- Water (spray, dip, wipe, rinse) is used to remove
the excess penetrant
- The procedure will specify water temperature
(typically 50-100°F), pressure (typically not more than 40 psi), etc.
- Cheap
- Post Emulsifiable
- This involves an additional step in which an emulsifier is applied to the surface of the
part after the penetrant dwell time.
- The emulsifier is given just enough time to react with the penetrant on the surface to render it water washable but not enough time to diffuse into the penetrant trapped in the defects.
- Solvent Removal
- Then, a cloth lightly dampened with solvent (cleaner
/ remover) is used to remove any remaining penetrant on the surface.
- Any time a solvent is used in the penetrant inspection
process, a suitable flash time is required to allow excess
solvent to evaporate. For
outboard inspection use Solvent Removal methods because appropriate with size
of material and also to make easy inspection.
next process is Developer application. After Penetrant application afterwards Developer
is applied on the surface of outboard. The purpose of Developer application is
to pulled out the penetrant out of the smooth crack. Developer application is
one of important process in Dye Penerant test (DPT). Something that has special
care is distance between surface and spraying can because it will influence the
result of process. Normal distance spraying can and surface between 25-30 cm.
If distance between spraying can and surface is too near, developer possible to
wetting the surface so it will make the developer enter to surface slowly, if
distance between spraying can and surface is too far, developer that enter to
surface is little and the result is not good.
(my friend)

After that
will be continued to repair outboard depend on defect in the surface.
Thankyou for your attention and sorry if my english is bad :)
feel free, if you want to sharing with me.
Thankyou for your attention and sorry if my english is bad :)
feel free, if you want to sharing with me.
solar gan
BalasHapusthank you for the info. really helps.